527 Thain Rd (Drive Thru)

1342 Main St (Drive Thru)

607 Bryden Ave (Drive Thru)

631 Bryden Ave (Cafe)


Monday – Friday | 5am – 9pm
Saturday - Sunday | 6am – 9pm


208-746-6380 (Thain)

208-413-6140 (Main St)

208-746-6379 (Bryden Drive Thru)

208-413-6741 (Bryden Cafe)


– Hot Shots Espresso –

[ HOt, fast And Friendly ]



Rick and Emily, the owners, created this company out of a passionate love for coffee. Emily had always wanted a coffee shop and Rick had the hands to build it. They have built a company that serves our community in so many ways. We now have 3 drive thru locations, a cafe, and a mobile cart.


We aspire to create undoubtedly memorable experiences with the people we serve. Through a perfectly crafted cup of coffee, we strive to be the best by educating and communicating our goals and core values to our community.


Core Values

  1. We love growing and learning.

  2. We are good finders and encourage others to be.

  3. We strive for creativity and originality.

  4. We are about inspired serving.

  5. We change lives.

  6. We encourage clear communication to build better people.


El Salvador 2015

Cafe Food/Beer & Wine Menu:

Meet the Owners

Rick, Emily, Cody and Hailey

Rick and Emily born and raised locally have a passion for the coffee industry and supporting our community in so many ways. They enjoy traveling, CrossFit and spending time with family. Their pets include a dog named Demi and a cat named Boujee.

Cody and Hailey had shared a love for coffee and met at Hot Shots in 2012. They enjoy CrossFit, riding dirt bikes, riding horses and many other outdoor activities. Their pets include 15 chickens, a horse, a goat, a dog and a cat. Cody and Hailey just welcomed their new baby, Jett, born July of 2022. They share the same passion for coffee and community as Rick and Emily and cannot wait to continue serving the community in the upcoming future.